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C-Imaging - measuring areas


Measure percent area from a series of images - a suggested method.

Start ImageJ

Plugins --> Macro --> Run   choose  background-subtract.txt from D:\Leo-tmp on the \\Snell computer

When prompted choose the source directory and a destination directory

Open image in Simple PCi.

Activate ROI shapes layer:  will open menu bar on right of image.

Select lower right corner box __ Create shapes from overlay. Click on this and the image will have green overlay and new box: Identify objects. Move right slider to 255 ( all will be green ) and move left slider until objects of image are apparent( selecting objects to count). When satisfied, click OK. No advanced processing needed. This has selected the cells on the image. To select the background  select ROI tool to select the entire field (either regular rectangle or the 3rd from bottom right that allows irregular shapes to be selected. Now all background and cells are selected and are to be measured.

Select Measure Image tool from tool bar on image (right of the ROI tool).   Click on the Measure Image tool and a menu opens. Select Area and lower right box Measure to spreadsheet.  A list of objects (cells/clusters) will be listed (several hundred) all small numbers and one large number (the background/total area).


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Copyright 2001-2014  Dr. M. Chua, Program in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
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Questions/comments/problems: Michael Chua

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Last Updated: 2010-01-06